domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Soldier Island is a misterious island located about a mile from the cost of England.
There are many places worth visiting. 

An interesting place to visit is the Soldier Island hotel. There are guided tours to the rooms where people died for differents reasons.


The history

Eight people are attracted to the mysterious Soldier Island. Some were for work, because they sent a letter but do not know who it was, because I invited one of them to cure his wife. Once they get to the island are the last two ' guests ' , a team of butler and cook formed by husband and wife. A poem entitled " Ten little soldier ," which tells the story of ten black boys who die in unusual ways is in each of their rooms. A conversation between two of the guests leads them to realize that none of them knows its host - the mysterious UN Owen. At dinner, ten notice negritos porcelain figurines on the table that match the poem. After their first dinner , once they are all in the living room , a voice reads a list of charges against them - each of them is accused of killing at least one person , and have been brought to the island to pay for their crimes. No one is sure what to do with the recording until Marston takes a drink - and dies poisoned with cyanide. As predicted by the poem.

Everyone goes to bed restless , some feeling guilty for the crimes they have committed, others only concerned about their safety . In the morning , they discover that the cook has died in the night, although it may have been from natural causes ... The ship is supposed to bring supplies is long overdue , and they soon realize that no one will get them off the island. Also notice that every time someone dies, one of the ten porcelain figurines disappears. When everyone starts to suspect each other , three men decide to explore the island to make sure no one else is hidden in it. After an exhaustive search , they discover that there is definitely only eight people on the island. For a moment, believe that the deaths are just a horrible coincidence - until someone dies from a blow to the head. Since no one else on the island, this means that the murderer can only be one of them .

The judge makes all suspect each other , making sure everyone understands that you can not trust anyone. Everyone goes to bed with fear , some slowly driven to madness by his guilt . The next morning , Rogers, the butler has disappeared . Soon found his body - has been murdered with an ax. Everyone starts to get paranoid. Emily , the old , begins to act strangely, and everyone leaves her alone for a while - when they return , she has been murdered , leaving just five people alive . Wargrave , Judge , suggests that block all possible weapons, including the gun that brought Lombard. However, the gun was stolen . Looking around the house , stirring , but can not find it.

Everyone decides to sit together, and one other person at a time - in theory, everyone should be sure of that. Vera , the most affected by guilt , goes to his room and scared with a filament of algae that represents the child she murdered by drowning . Everyone goes to see her, and when they return to the classroom , they discover that the judge has been murdered - but can not figure out who had the chance. That night, the ex -cop , Blore hears someone sneaking . Search the other rooms, and finds Armstrong , the doctor , is not - so he must be the murderer .

The next day, Lombard, Blore and Vera , the three remaining guests , walk around the island , trying to signal to the coast with a mirror. Blore returns to the house for lunch, but is crushed by a falling marble slab . Lombard and Vera are confident that Armstrong is the murderer - until they find your body that has been washed away near some rocks. Although evidence has shown that none of them could be the murderer , Lombard and Vera do not trust each other. Vera steals Lombard 's gun and shoots him. Happy to finally be safe and secure , and more than a little upset , Vera walks back to the house and discovers that someone has placed a rope noose to hang himself in his room. Finally feeling guilty , hanged herself .

Police arrived on the island a few days later , and are baffled by the mystery - can not imagine who killed everyone, as there are only bodies on the island, and no one could have escaped it. A few weeks later , a fisherman found a bottle. Which provides explanations and why he killed everyone - Inside a written confession is Wargrave . All his life he had two conflicting desires - one for justice , the other to kill people. He had enjoyed killing the guilty sentencing them to death in his court, but that was not enough. People wanted to kill himself. Upon learning that he was very ill with cancer , he decided to do this. Found guilty nine people and attracted to the island, then killed them one by one , using Armstrong to help you simulate his death so that he was not a suspect. Once all had been killed, he arranged for suicide making everything seem like his feigned death - so that when the police arrived they found a crime indecipherable . Finally , he put his confession in a bottle, sealed it and threw it into the sea, because he could not bear the idea that no one ever knew how bright it was .